uk Services
Skilled worker visa

Uk skilled worker Visa
Kickstart your career in the UK
The Skilled Worker Visa is a point-based work visa issued to highly skilled workers from outside the UK, who have a job offer from a UK employer, for a job that is listed on the Shortage Occupations List. This visa allows applicants to enter the UK on a long term basis to fill a skilled job vacancy in a wide range of skilled occupations including IT, accountancy, teaching, and healthcare.
To apply for this visa, applicants must have a job offer from a UK employer who holds a valid sponsorship licence and is approved by the Home Office. Applicants will be assigned an electronic certificate of sponsorship, with information about the job offered, the salary and the start and end date of the employment.
This visa is open to individuals of all nationalities who have an offer of an eligible skilled job in the UK. Holders of this visa can bring their dependents to the UK on a Skilled Worker Dependent Visa.
Processing Time
You’ll usually get a decision on your visa within three weeks if you apply from outside the UK. However, the whole pre-application process will take longer, as we ensure that all the documents and requirements are met.
Requirements for a Skilled Worker Visa
To be eligible for a Skilled Worker Visa, the applicant must score a minimum of 70 points in total. This includes 50 points for mandatory or ‘non-tradeable’ criteria, and 20 points for ‘tradeable’ criteria.
other Requirements
Work for a UK employer that’s been approved by the Home Office.
Have a Certificate of Sponsorship from the employer with information about the role you’ve been offered in the UK.
The job is at an appropriate skill level.
Meet the English language requirement.
Have an offer for a qualifying job that meets the relevant salary threshold.
Have sufficient personal savings to support yourself.
Provide a criminal record certificate, if required.
How Long Can You Stay in the UK?
The Skilled Work Visas is valid for a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years. You’ll need to apply to extend or update your visa when it expires or if you change jobs or employer.
Visa Extension
You can apply to extend your visa as many times as you like as long as you still meet the eligibility requirements and have the same job as when you were given your permission to enter the UK.
Apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
You will be able to apply for an Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after five years in the Skilled Worker Visa category. This visa gives you the right to live, work and study here for as long as you like and apply for benefits if you’re eligible.
General Skilled Worker Job List
Use these lists to check if the experience and qualifications you have match those that are eligible for the Skilled Worker Visa in the UK (updated December 2020), and to check what roles are most in demand.
1115: Chief executives and senior officials
1121: Production managers and directors in manufacturing
1122: Production managers and directors in construction
1123: Production managers and directors in mining and energy
1131: Financial managers and directors
1132: Marketing and sales directors
1133: Purchasing managers and directors
1134: Advertising and public relations directors
1135: Human resource managers and directors
1136: Information technology and telecommunications directors
1139: Functional managers and directors not elsewhere classified
1150: Financial institution managers and directors
1161: Managers and directors in transport and distribution
1162: Managers and directors in storage and warehousing
1172: Senior police officers
1173: Senior officers in fire, ambulance, prison and related services
1181: Health services and public health managers and directors
1184: Social services managers and directors
1190: Managers and directors in retail and wholesale
1211: Managers and proprietors in agriculture and horticulture
1213: Managers and proprietors in forestry, fishing and related services
1221: Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietors
1223: Restaurant and catering establishment managers and proprietors
1224: Publicans and managers of licensed premises
1225: Leisure and sports managers
1226: Travel agency managers and proprietors
1241: Health care practice managers
1242: Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors
1251: Property, housing and estate managers
1252: Garage managers and proprietors
1253: Hairdressing and beauty salon managers and proprietors
1254: Shopkeepers and proprietors – wholesale and retail
1255: Waste disposal and environmental services managers
1259: Managers and proprietors in other services not elsewhere classified
2111: Chemical Scientists
2112: Biological scientists and biochemists
2113: Physical scientists
2114: Social and humanities scientists
2119: Natural and social science professionals not elsewhere classified
2121: Civil engineers
2123: Electrical engineers
2124: Electronics engineers
2126: Design and development engineers
2127: Production and process engineers
2129: Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified
2133: IT specialist managers
2134: IT project and programme managers
2135: IT business analysts, architects and systems designers
2136: Programmers and software development professionals
2137: Web design and development professionals
2139: Information technology and telecommunications professionals not elsewhere classified
2141: Conservation professionals
2142: Environment professionals
2150: Research and development managers
2211: Medical practitioners
2212: Psychologists
2213: Pharmacists
2214: Ophthalmic opticians
2215: Dental practitioners
2216: Veterinarians
2217: Medical radiographers
2218: Podiatrists, Chiropodist
2219: Health professionals not elsewhere classified
2221: Physiotherapists
2222: Occupational therapists
2223: Speech and language therapists
2229: Therapy professionals not elsewhere classified
2231: Nurses
2232: Midwives
2311: Higher education teaching professionals
2312: Further education teaching professionals
2314: Secondary education teaching professionals
2315: Primary and nursery education teaching professionals
2316: Special needs education teaching professionals
2317: Senior professionals of educational establishments
2318: Education advisers and school inspectors
2319: Teaching and other educational professionals not elsewhere classified
2413: Solicitors
2419: Legal professionals not elsewhere classified
2421: Chartered and certified accountants
2423: Management consultants and business analysts
2424: Business and financial project management professionals
2425: Actuaries, economists and statisticians
2426: Business and related research professionals
2429: Business, research and administrative professionals not elsewhere classified
2431: Architects
2432: Town planning officers
2433: Quantity surveyors
2434: Chartered surveyors
2435: Chartered architectural technologists
2436: Construction project managers and related professionals
2442: Social workers
2443: Probation officers
2449: Welfare professionals not elsewhere classified
2451: Librarians
2452: Archivists and curators
2461: Quality control and planning engineers
2462: Quality assurance and regulatory professionals
2463: Environmental health professionals
2471: Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors
2472: Public relations professionals
2473: Advertising accounts managers and creative directors
3111: Laboratory technicians
3112: Electrical and electronics technicians
3113: Engineering technicians
3114: Building and civil engineering technicians
3115: Quality assurance technicians
3116: Planning, process and production technicians
3119: Science, engineering and production technicians not elsewhere classified
3121: Architectural and town planning technicians
3122: Draughtspersons
3131: IT operations technicians
3132: IT user support technicians
3213: Paramedics
3216: Dispensing opticians
3217: Pharmaceutical technicians
3218: Medical and dental technicians
3219: Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified
3231: Youth and community workers
3234: Housing officers
3235: Counsellors
3239: Welfare and housing associate professionals not elsewhere classified
3312: Police officers (sergeant and below)
3313: Fire service officers (watch manager and below)
3319: Protective service associate professionals not elsewhere classified
3411: Artists
3412: Authors, writers and translators
3413: Actors, entertainers and presenters
3414: Dancers and choreographers
3415: Musicians
3416: Arts officers, producers and directors
3417: Photographers, audio-visual and broadcasting equipment operators
3421: Graphic designers
3422: Product, clothing and related designers
3443: Fitness instructors
3511: Air traffic controllers
3512: Aircraft pilots and flight engineers
3513: Ship and hovercraft officers
3520: Legal associate professionals
3531: Estimators, valuers and assessors
3532: Brokers
3533: Insurance underwriters
3534: Finance and investment analysts and advisers
3535: Taxation experts
3536: Importers and exporters
3537: Financial and accounting technicians
3538: Financial accounts managers
3539: Business and related associate professionals not elsewhere classified
3541: Buyers and procurement officers
3542: Business sales executives
3543: Marketing associate professionals
3544: Estate agents and auctioneers
3545: Sales accounts and business development managers
3546: Conference and exhibition managers and organisers
3550: Conservation and environmental associate professionals
3561: Public services associate professionals
3562: Human resources and industrial relations officers
3563: Vocational and industrial trainers and instructors
3564: Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialists
3565: Inspectors of standards and regulations
3567: Health and safety officers
4112: National government administrative occupations
4114: Officers of nongovernmental organisations
4134: Transport and distribution clerks and assistants
4151: Sales administrators
4161: Office managers
4214: Company secretaries
4215: Personal assistants and other secretaries
5111: Farmers
5112: Horticultural trades
5113: Gardeners and landscape gardeners
5114: Grounds-men and green-keepers
5119: Agricultural and fishing trades not elsewhere classified
5211: Smiths and forge workers
5212: Moulders, core makers and die casters
5213: Sheet metal workers
5214: Metal plate workers, and riveters
5215: Welding trades
5216: Pipe fitters
5221: Metal machining
5222: Tool makers, tool fitters and markers-out
5223: Metal working production and maintenance fitters
5224: Precision instrument makers and repairers
5225: Air-conditioning and refrigeration engineers
5231: Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electricians
5232: Vehicle body builders and repairers
5234: Vehicle paint technicians
5235: Aircraft maintenance and related trades
5236: Boat and ship builders and repairers
5237: Rail and rolling stock builders and repairers
5241: Electricians and electrical fitters
5242: Telecommunications engineers
5244: TV, video and audio engineers
5245: IT engineers
5249: Electrical and electronic trades not elsewhere classified
5250: Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades supervisors
5311: Steel erectors
5312: Bricklayers and masons
5313: Roofers, roof tilers and slaters
5314: Plumbers and heating and ventilating engineers
5315: Carpenters and joiners
5316: Glaziers, window fabricators and fitters
5319: Construction and building trades not elsewhere classified
5321: Plasterers
5322: Floorers and wall tilers
5323: Painters and decorators
5330: Construction and building trades supervisors
5411: Weavers and knitters
5412: Upholsterers
5413: Footwear and leather working trades
5414: Tailors and dressmakers
5419: Textiles, garments and related trades not elsewhere classified
5421: Pre-press technicians
5422: Printers
5423: Print finishing and binding workers
5431: Butchers
5432: Bakers and flour confectioners
5433: Fishmongers and poultry dressers
5434: Chefs
5436: Catering and bar managers
5441: Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishers
5442: Furniture makers and other craft woodworkers
5443: Florists
5449: Other skilled trades not elsewhere classified
6121: Nursery nurses and assistants
6122: Childminders and related occupations
6123: Play workers
6125: Teaching assistants
6126: Educational support assistants
6131: Veterinary nurses
6139: Animal care services occupations not elsewhere classified
6141: Nursing auxiliaries and assistants
6143: Dental nurses
6144: Houseparents and residential wardens
6146: Senior care workers
6214: Air travel assistants
6215: Rail travel assistants
7125: Merchandisers and window dressers
7130: Sales supervisors
7215: Market research interviewers
7220: Customer service managers and supervisors
8124: Energy plant operatives
8126: Water and sewerage plant operatives
8215: Driving instructors
8232: Marine and waterways transport operatives
2111: Chemical scientists – only jobs in the nuclear industry
2112: Biological scientists and biochemists – all jobs
2113: Physical scientists – only the following jobs in the construction-related ground engineering industry:
engineering geologist
2113: Physical scientists – only the following jobs in the oil and gas industry:
technical services manager in the decommissioning and waste areas of the nuclear industry
senior resource geologist and staff geologist in the mining sector
2114: Social and humanities scientists – only archaeologists
2121: Civil engineers – all jobs
2122: Mechanical engineers – all jobs
2123: Electrical engineers – all jobs
2124: Electronics engineers – all jobs
2126: Design and development engineers – all jobs
2127: Production and process engineers – all jobs
2129: Engineering professionals not elsewhere classified – all jobs
2135: IT business analysts, architects and systems designers – all jobs
2136: Programmers and software development professionals – all jobs
2137: Web design and development professionals – all jobs
2139: Information technology and communications professionals not elsewhere classified – only cyber security specialists
2216: Veterinarians – all jobs
2425: Actuaries, economists and statisticians – only bio-informaticians and informaticians
2431: Architects – all jobs
2461: Quality control and planning engineers – all jobs
3411: Artists – all jobs
3414: Dancers and choreographers – only skilled classical ballet dancers or skilled contemporary dancers who meet the standard required by internationally recognised UK ballet or contemporary dance companies.
The company must be endorsed as being internationally recognised by a UK industry body such as the Arts Councils (of England, Scotland or Wales).
3415: Musicians – only skilled orchestral musicians who are leaders, principals, sub-principals or numbered string positions, and who meet the standard required by internationally recognised UK orchestras.
The orchestra must be endorsed as being internationally recognised by the Association of British Orchestras.
3416: Arts officers, producers and directors – all jobs
3421: Graphic designers – all jobs
5215: Welding trades – only high integrity pipe welders, where the job requires 3 or more years’ related on-the-job experience
5434: Chefs – only skilled chefs where all of the following requirements are met:
the pay for which points are awarded is at least £29,570 per year; and
the job requires 5 or more years’ relevant experience in a role of at least equivalent status; and
the job is not in either a fast food or standard fare outlet; and
the job is in one of the following roles:
executive chef – limited to 1 per establishment
head chef – limited to 1 per establishment
sous chef – limited to 1 for every 4 kitchen staff per establishment
specialist chef – limited to 1 per speciality per establishment
New opportunities
New Frontiers. New Lives.
The post-Brexit landscape has opened the door to a wealth of work opportunities in the UK. There is an acute shortage of skilled jobs in industries from engineering to IT to graphic design. So if you’d like to explore new challenges in new vistas, apply for a Skilled Worker Visa and be part of the new global talent that will help the UK to achieve its post-pandemic growth targets and economic expansion.