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Uk ROB Visa
Your Company’s Expansion in the UK
The Representative of an Overseas Business Visa (ROB) is the most suitable route for companies that want to establish a commercial presence in the UK. The ROB Visa, also known as the Sole Representative Visa (SR), is for individuals that hold a senior position within the company whose headquarters is outside the UK. The route allows an overseas parent company to set up a UK branch or subsidiary which is a genuine commercial enterprise with its principal place of business outside the UK. The individual must be employed outside the UK and must work full-time as the Sole Representative of that overseas business.
A business that has already employed someone in the UK may not qualify for a Sole Representative category. The UK branch will be expected to operate the same type of business activity as its overseas parent. No investments are required for this type of visa.
Processing Time
You’ll usually get a decision on your visa within three weeks if you apply from outside the UK. However, the whole pre-application process will take longer because you must have a business plan, and relevant documents for the incorporation of a subsidiary.
Requirements for a Representative of an Overseas Business Visa
You should hold a senior position in an active and trading overseas business.
You must have relevant education, experience and skills to run a UK subsidiary.
The company must have its headquarters or principal place of business outside the UK.
You should have full authority to take operational decisions on behalf of the overseas business to represent it in the UK.
You should be working full-time throughout the duration of the visa as a Sole Representative of the overseas business.
You must not be a majority shareholder of the overseas business.
Meet the English language requirement.
Clean criminal record.
Home Office requirement
The Home Office must be sure that a foreign business is planning to set up its branch or subsidiary in the UK for the sole purpose of expanding its operations abroad and not for relocation purposes. Therefore, it is important to submit a well-prepared business plan with your application explaining what you are planning to achieve and how you are going to do it.
How Long Can You Stay in the UK?
The SR Visa will be valid for 3 years. The ROB Visa leads to settlement and eventually to British citizenship.
Visa Extension
The ROB Visa can be extended for up to 2 years after the initial duration of 3 years has expired, provided you are employed and hold a senior position within the same overseas company.
Apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
You will be able to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after being in the UK for 5 years. You can apply for an ILR, provided you have not spent more than 180 days outside the UK in any 12 months during the 3 years before the date of application.
British Citizenship
You and your family can apply to be naturalised or registered as British citizens in 12 months after ILR is granted and once you have spent at least five years in the UK.
New Territories to Conquer
Use the UK as your Global Springboard
If you have an established business in another territory, then the UK is one of the best countries in the world to launch a satellite office from: manageable business barriers and regulations; pro-business government that provide start-up assistance and funds; skilled-workforce pool; strong infrastructure; and much more.
Contact us to get informed advice on securing government assistance, and ask about our unique service where GLOBAL VISTA connects you to fellow entrepreneurs and partners to help you drive expansion of your new business.