uk Services
Health and Care Worker Visa

Uk health and care worker Visa
Start your UK health sector career
The Health and Care Worker Visa is designed to encourage healthcare professionals from around the world to come to work in the UK health sector. This route is open to qualified doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals of all nationalities who have been trained to a recognised standard. The benefits of the new Health and Care Worker Visa includes fast-tracked entry to the UK, together with reduced visa fees and exemption from the Immigration Health Surcharge.
To obtain a Health and Care Worker Visa you must have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship issued by an employer that is authorised by the Home Office to sponsor the job under the Health and Care Worker route.
Processing Time
You’ll usually get a decision on your visa within three weeks if you apply from outside the UK. However, the whole pre-application process will take longer, as we ensure that all the documents and requirements are met.
Requirements for a Health and Care Worker Visa
To qualify for a Health and Care Worker Visa, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship from a UK licensed sponsor with information about the role you’ve been offered.
Have an offer for a qualifying job that meets the relevant salary threshold.
Have sufficient personal savings to support yourself.
Meet the English language requirement.
Be able to provide a criminal record certificate, if you will be working with vulnerable people as a healthcare professional.
How Long Can You Stay in the UK?
The Health and Care Worker Visa is valid for a minimum of three years and a maximum of five years. Your Certificate of Sponsorship will state for how long your employer is sponsoring you. You’ll need to apply to extend or update your visa when it expires or if you change jobs or employer.
Visa Extension
You can apply to extend your visa as many times as you like as long as you still meet the eligibility requirements and have the same job as when you were given your permission to enter the UK.
Apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
You will be able to apply for an Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after five years in the Health and Care Worker Visa category. This visa gives you the right to live, work and study here for as long as you like and apply for benefits if you’re eligible.
Health & Care Worker Jobs List
Use these lists to check if the experience and qualifications you have match those that are eligible for the Health & Care Worker Visa in the UK (updated December 2020), and to check what roles are most in demand. Some of these occupations can alos be found in the Skilled Worker Occupation List.
1181: Health services and public health managers and directors
1242: Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors
2112: Biological scientists and biochemists
2113: Physical scientists
2211: Medical practitioners
2212: Psychologists
2213: Pharmacists
2214: Ophthalmic opticians
2215: Dental practitioners
2217: Medical radiographers
2218: Podiatrists
2219: Health professionals that are not elsewhere classified
2221: Physiotherapists
2222: Occupational therapists
2223: Speech and language therapists
2229: Therapy professionals that are not elsewhere classified
2231: Nurses
2232: Midwives
2442: Social workers
3111: Laboratory technicians
3213: Paramedics
3216: Dispensing opticians
3217: Pharmaceutical technicians
3218: Medical and dental technicians
3219: Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified
6141: Nursing auxiliaries and assistants
6143: Dental nurses
6146: Senior care workers
2211: Medical practitioners – all jobs
2212: Psychologists – all jobs
2217: Medical radiographers – all jobs (including radiotherapy practitioners / technologists)
2222: Occupational therapists – all jobs
2223: Speech and language therapists – all jobs
2231: Nurses – all jobs
2314: Secondary education teaching professionals – only teachers in maths, physics, science (where an element of physics will be taught), computer science and Mandarin
2314: Secondary education teaching professionals – only teachers in Gaelic (Scotland only)
2315: Primary and nursery education teaching professionals – only Gaelic medium teachers (Scotland only)
2442: Social workers – all jobs
3213: Paramedics – all jobs
New opportunities
New Frontiers. New Lives.
The post-Brexit landscape has opened the door to a wealth of work opportunities in the UK. There is an acute shortage of skilled jobs in the health and care sectors. So if you’d like to turn a new life chapter in a new country, apply for a Health and Care Worker Visa and be part of the new global talent that will help the UK to expand the NHS and meet the social care challenges that an ageing population sets.